compie's Diaryland Diary


Jesus Dont want me for a Sunbeam

hey everyone! its been 3 whooole days since ive updated. I dont know what happend day fore yesterday, i must have been doing something. (on tha third). hahaha. yeah im becoming...those people who forget things. yes. A little group its always been, and always will until the end. yesterday i layed in bed staring at the bottom of my upper matress (since i have bunk beds) until lacey called. Lacey is awesome. Lacey, yer superduperspifferiffic. Anyways, yeah.Then wendy called and was just like...hey do you want to go to the mall? and im like yeah sure wendy. Then she tells me shes coming in 3 minutes. Hahaha. Nah, sometimes i love urgency, it makes me feel important. I rolled out of bed, changed, brushed me teeth, and they were outside. Woo. So yeah i went to the mall. I got jeans. We were there for a bit. Nothing out of the ordinary happend. Well, nothing worth writing here. haha. Maybe ill think of something later.

Well anyways afterwards i went to cassies. I was surprised my mom let me go, shes usually a bitch when it comes to things like that. But it was fuckin awesome. We watched mtvx and mtv2, which, by the way, are two of the coolest channels availible for a box with moving pictures. hehe. Today, by the way, if any of you have it, is nirvana day on mtv2. So theyre playing all nirvana stuff the whooole day. Lucky you guys. Okay anyways. yeah. Holly and Brianin (i think thats how you spell her name) and Lacey and Kelly and of course Cassie was there. It was fun. For a while i didnt really like kelly, but now i think shes kinda cool after the party. Its kind of hard to describe why i feel a lot better now, after the sleepover. We watched LABIRYNTH and LITTLE NEMO and scary movie 2 and listened to good music like nirvana and bad religion and cool stuff. Ahh..It was my first time seeing holly since 6th or 7th grade i think. Shes cool. She kind of forgot who i was. Hahaha. Yeah i guess i have that effect on people. But no, shes really really cool. And she had the coolest hat!!!hehehe. Brianen and Cassie are really funny and awesome too. Graham didnt stay the whole party, but of course hes cool.

Its been a while since ive been around people who like the same things i do. Its refreshing. I mean, it sounds a little superficial, but you can connect with someone better when they listen to your music and like the movies you like and have heard of the things you talk about. It feels as if they accept you more.

Im so happy, cause today ive found my friends. Theyre in my head.

Hahaha. Sorry im like...quoting random nirvana lyrics. Today just feels like a nirvana day.

Hmm..yeah. And all the girls at the party were sooo pretty. Holly is of the prettiest girls ive seen. along with everyone else there at the party. Theyre not bitches or anything though. hahaha.

Im supposed to start on my homework today. Just thinking about it makes me depressed. bleeeeh. nooooooo.

The lack of sleep will catch up to me soon. Its sorta good if i go to bed early though, so i can get used to the sleep patterns of school. Ill just try to to block the fact that i have to go back there soon out of my mind. Well, i do get to see *him* along with some other few but very good perks.

Anyways, i guess i must be off. I dont really feel like leaving though. I feel like sitting in front of the screen typing and listening to nirvana forever.

But I dont think i have anything else to say.

1:10 p.m. - 2002-04-05


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