compie's Diaryland Diary


school starting..:(

oi! so much for writeing here everyday, eh? hehe..yeah, well, school started. It sucks.. I mean, the classes are o.k, i guess, putting besides to fact that I have band, which i didnt want, but then again, i dont have gym, even though I was spoesed to, but, SHHH!!! hehehe, well, maybe, ill be getting out of band cuz mah parents r gonna come in and talk to guidance to change my schedule..HOPEFULLY, ill get art or tech ed...but, thats a wish...My school sucks, MAYBE if theyre in a good moos, theyll let me choose what elective I want, but, last time we tried to switch band, and they told us i could end up with anything from special ed (eeww..)to gym (i hate sports) so0oo0o, well, it just depends. AAANnNyways, my first day of school...was first class was american history..woooohooo..our teacher is kinda weird...He says that if our pencil rolls on to another persons desk (they put all of our desks together), we cant pick it up, we have to ask the person to whom "owns" the desk if we can have our pencil back, WTF?! My freind Kerry says she has gaydar and thinks hes gay, haha, yeah, he may be, but, hes still really really weird..after that, i had my algebra 2 teacher..shes..annoying, to say the least..Sometimes she can be ok, i guess..Theen, i had band..the teacher there speaks in ebonics and refers to us as "lil black kids and poor white boys", which, might i add, i am neither..He was kind scary the first class, but, the second class was ok..toooo bad i wont be in band for long :D (hopefully), then, i had Science Magnet, we have this teacher named mrs. Stansberry er sumthing, i dunno..And, the Sciance Magnet room smells like SHIT..maybe its hair oil er sumthing, i dunno, thats what it reminds me oil SHIT. k, yeah, and, it sucked, and i thoroughly hate it...Well, i hate school in general, and this year doesnt seem to be great..I can't put my finger on it, the teachers arnt neccessarily too bad (well , keep in mind, i havent told you about my B day teachers yet), and, i have some classes with my friends, i dunno what it is, cuz, sometimes i ENJOY school..but, not now at least. K, yeah, umm, sorry this wasnt that entertaining to read, ill try to make a better entry next time. later.

4:40 PM - 2000-09-09


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