compie's Diaryland Diary


coolleeege i've been in college for a little more then over a week now. And its 6 16 am and I don't know why I'm up. Well actually I was just in this girl Vickie's room, and her and Rhea and this guy E just sat around talking about random nothingness until about now. So yeah, I think I'm making friends. Everyone in my dorm are all art scholars, so its cool cause we all do the same things. And theres no pressure to get fucked up every night because everyone is straight edge around here. Which is cool I guess, but its not really college until you have some crazy stories. But I'm sure those will come with time. Theyre all really nice and I'm glad I'm in this dorm. So far we've had a tang party, a fort night (As in building a fort, not a fortnight), and an attempt at making jello. I've had a somewhat stalkerish experience with a kind of creepy guy but hopefully thats over now. I dunno, he just friended me off of facebook and he seemed cool, so i was like oh we should hang out sometime (not as in date sometime) then a little while later he hunted me down asking everyone if they knew me, and blah blah blah. He seemed nice, so I gave him my number to call me about later that night when half the school was going to ikea. But then he calls me like an hour later wanting to hang out. Thankfully I told him I was busy (I was) and we all just went to Ikea later. But luckily I had my trusty new friend Meg there so he didn't actually do anything more then just be creepy. At first I thought it was my meanness but talking to a few girls in my dorm who knew him in highschool, he is apparently pretty creepy and its not just me. thank God.

But anyway, so there are a lot of redheads and jews living in my building, and if any of you readers know anything about me, you know how I like those redheads and jews (aka seth and ben)...except also these redheads look a lot better then seth so its good.

So yeah. I guess I'm making friends. Everyone is pretty cool and we all have a lot in common. But I dunno, I'm trying not to think about the emptiness I feel sort of. Hahaha..That sounds so cliche/emo. I dunno. Like, I feel comfortably numb to everything so far. I came home this weekend to get a few things I left behind from when I moved in, and it just made me miss everyone more. No one is home. Everyone's away. Cassie and Ben are both in Ohio. I've been keeping in contact with Cassie through E-mail, and I talked to Ben today actually. I called and he was on his way to a party. He told me how awesome it was there, how his floormates play the banjo, mandolin, guitar, and other awesome intstruments. Apparently each of the parties has a theme, and theres been one every night since he came in because classes haven't started yet. greeaat. But the parties all have a theme, last night apparently was jazz funk or something. So yeah. I'm jealous. I appreciate our tang and fort parties, as well as the free showing of the Little Mermaid at the UMD theatre today, but jazz funk seems on a whole nother level. I'm sure that stuff happens here too, I just have to look for it. I'm sure eventually I'll find it. But yeah. I'm glad I have people I like so far here though. I dunno. i feel like I miss Ben more now. I thought I was over him, but hearing him have so much fun in ohio just made me sad. I mean I'm happy for him that he's having fun, but I'm jealous that he's there and I'm not, and sad I'm not with him anymore when he's having such a great time, and paranoid of all the grubby pothead pretentious girls that could possibly be all over him and vice versa. He seemed really preoccupied with what was going on, which is probably to be expected since they are going to a party. I hope that he..I dunno. I just hope that he doesn't become super cool and I end up super lame or something..I don't know how to desribe it.

Well it ias 6 30 am which means I haven't slept more then a few hours in the past 24'm done. Good night. I'll try to write more later.

6:16 a.m. - 2005-09-05


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