compie's Diaryland Diary





The ceremony was short and sweet. Our valedictorian gave a nice little speech, we all got called up. I was so nervous i was going to trip or do something dumb, but i was alright. Got my diploma, all in a nice leather case thing. Then our sga pres said something and we turned out tassles. It was all surreal. I thought it was going to be boring or really sad, but it was only a little sad and pretty happy. I dunno. I'm sure itll hit me later and ill be really nostalgic, but right now I'm ready to move on. Most of the people I'll miss I will hopefully still see at least for a few more months..Then there are the people i'll miss but dont know well enough to see. That kind of sucks, but somehow I feel like the fact that we all went to western and we are living on this earth will forever keep us with each other, as weird/cheesy as that sounds.

So today I was pretty hot with all the 4 year olds. hahaha. I got my hair cut for graduation and in the barbers office this little boy said something to me..I didn't quite catch it but he was smiling mischeiviously and his mother looked at me with a guilty face and told her son that he isnt old enough to know what hes talking about, and her little boy was all smiley and said something like "boys and girls liiike each other"..hahaha. I beleive I was hit on by a 4 year old. Not that I'm a pedophile, but i felt flattered. It's not as creepy as when old men hit on you. But anyway, so back to graduation. Thankfully I didnt die on my way up there. Graham and I tried to trade hats since girls and boys wore different colors, but we got caught and had to trade I sat on the very corner of the first row, so i got to say something or at least smile at all the people as they stepped off the stage and got their diplomas, that was pretty sweet. Wendy was like "its about time"..Ben was like "yeah I have to open the case to make sure somethings actually in here"..Yeah. People said cheesy generic shit like that, but since it was them that said it, it didnt sound so cheesy or generic. When it was over and i finally got back outside, Pedros little brother, one of the cutest little kids ive ever seen in my life, wanted to take a picture of me. I felt so pretty. And then I met cassie outside, and we gave each other running hugs in which she picked me up and spun me im gonna miss her so much next year. I took pictures with most of my friends. I even got a picture with Ben, and I saw his brothers and mother. I should have said something to them but i didnt know quite what to say without sounding dumb, so i think i just looked around and smiled. ha. I'm a loser sometimes. After that me and my dad and stepmom went to the bone fish. I ended up talking to someone who was related to alyssa, her dad I think. He was really nice, and said I had a killer smile or something like that, which i find kind of funny because alyssa always implied that I was ugly. It was nice getting compliments though, even if they were from little kids and people's dads. The whole night felt like a dream. I never actually thought id graduate. I mean i guess I assumed I would, but its like someones wedding day. I mean you dont *really* know if it will happen or not. You expect it to, but things happen. It was awesome though, I can't beleive im done high school. I'm sure i will miss it, but for right now im pretty effin happy.

And I'm a little dissapointed that our senior prank didnt work out the way we wanted. So yeah..about that. I guess since its over I'm at liberty to say..Me and some friends who shall go unnamed for now, we made a big sign that said "class of 05" with a skull and crossbones on it. And so yesterday night we went to the school late at night, and some of my friends got on the roof and hung it up. Meanwhile, me and a couple of other people chalked up the student lot and the western sign, writing things like "2005 bitches"...but apparently by today none of what we left behind was there, they cleaned it before the students came the next day. All that shit for nothing..and it was so I mean..I dunno. I'm still glad we had the balls to go through with it though. and now I have stories to tell posterity. but anyway..

Today I realized just how much I love my classmates and the people I've seen every year, some since I was 6 or 7 years old. It's insane. I'm going to miss them, but I'm so happy to have known them all and have gone through so much with them. I feel like somehow our paths will cross again and we will definettely see each other, at least at class reunions..

man..I'm talking about reunions already. I feel so old. But so accomplished.

11:40 p.m. - 2005-06-02


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