compie's Diaryland Diary


remember..where you're going, there are no roads.


I had a long entry and then my fucking browser decided to close on itself. DAMMIT. I hate that. I hate this computer. Anyways, ill try to rehash everything.

So yeah. Im sore. But a good kind of sore, the kind that you get when you had excessive amounts of fun the night before, which is exactly the type of sore I have. Ha. Yeah. So yesterday me and cassie and lacey and then dave went sledding. man oh man it was so funn. We went to this hill at ccbc so it was really steep, and I had the most trouble getting back up the hill because of my stupid platformed boots..I should have worn other types of boots but i wasnt thinking and i don't think i have any others (but in reality i could have borrowed some of my moms or looked hard enough and i wouldve found something), so i was dying going back up the hill, but it was nice lying at the top of hill and staring at the sky out of exhaustion and seeing the stars, since we went at night. Oh, and then we ran into seth. Except not really cause at first we didnt ask him come since he was still at work, but when he came back he found out where we were and tracked us down there..Which is kind of creepy but kind of cool, since i wouldve never had the nerve of self esteem to do that if people didn't invite me, so its somewhat commendable. And i mean it was nice hanging out with him too. Their friend dave (another dave) came too, so it was cool. ha, so lacey and cassie were dragging up the sled with me lying in it and staring at the stars and then seth poked into my feild of vision, and at first i didnt recognize him since it was dark but i waved anyway, then a couple seconds later i did and then right before they got to the very top of the hill lace and cass dropped me so i went sledding backwards all the way down. hahaha. It was fun. Seth ran down after me and was like 'that was mean of them..' hahaha. but yeah. so anyway, going hardcore sledding with your friends at night is fun.

So after that we went back to cassies to watch king arthur. I sat on the couch on the opposite side of the room as seth, but 15 minutes later or so seth said he felt 'lonely' on that side and came and sat with me on the couch. we were kinnd of cuddling, but not really. Like i mean we were kind of close and i wouldnt have gotten that close to anyone i wasn't attracted to, but it wasnt like we were all over each other like how it usually is when we're cuddling, although he kind of suggested it a couple times, but i avoided it because i don't want there to be anymore pointless drama. So it was okay and all, i had fun hanging out with everyone. Seth and i were talking about how cool it would be to work at midevial times, and he suggested we both apply during the summer. ha, that would be cool. But anyway, so it was really fun hanging out with cassie, lacey, seth, and dave, and dave together. But..cass kind of dislikes seth so i don't know how often thatll happen again in the future. But it was just like..old times. And kim was only mentioned once all night, by seth (something about her being annoyed by something he kept on saying the day before), so i was glad i didnt have to keep hearing about her from lacey or anyone. It was definettely like old times.

It was nice hanging out with lacey for the first time since our "discussion" last week. sometimes she drives me crazy, but im glad we're friends and we have fun together. I have fun, at least.

I hope cassie had fun last night. I felt bad cause we kept on talking through the whole movie so it was distracting, and she doesnt really like seth so she kind of didn't want him to be there. But I mean, everyone else seemed to have fun, which was good. I just feel kind of bad cause I think she was annoyed by him being there and us and everyone else talking during the whole movie. so she went upstairs towards the end and was working on knitting one of her i felt bad. But she said she had fun sledding, so i hope she did, and i hope it wasnt too bad with all of us at her house. Ha..when seth was leaving he asked us all to give him a hug and tell him that we loved him, and when he got to cassie she's just like "no." and "i don't love you." haha. poor guy. But i mean, yeah..I mean cassie doesnt like him, so what can you do. I mean i understand from her perception why, but..yeah. It was kind of funny actually. I mean poor guy. But still funny.

So cassie says that ben and i should go out. hahahaha. I mean she's joking, i think. Its just kind of funny cause i mean i think he's really cool but i don't like him like that, and i highly doubt that he'd ever like me like that. Lace and Cass are both like, 'you just don't like him because he doesnt have red hair'..Which is funny because I just realized recently that i've had a thing for redheads for a while without knowing it. Redheads and kids with black hair, like asians and native americans and the beastie boys (jewish kids with black hair), that's where its at. hahahaha. Man im a loser. so anyway, i just think that whole situation is kind of awkward and funny and im wondering if he thinks i like him like that or something cause of what cassie did (refer to last entry)..Hopefully he doesnt overanalyze things like I do and doesn't think much of it, cause im all afraid things are going to get awkward and then that will be weird. Anyways..why am i writing about I'm just overly nuerotic about everything.

I mean i don't even know how i feel about seth anymore. I mean i still like him and we have a lot of fun whenever we're together, but he's still with kim, so whatever. I'm not trying to change that, but im not trying to avoid that changing either. I'm just being myself and living my life and whatever happens happens I guess. I do miss him, but i still get to hang out with him from time to time, and i think its better like this if we get to know each other as friends first before anything else happen..But kim does kind of annoy me a lot, just with all this drama crap and how she's ditzy and acts nice to my face but bitches and moans about stupid shit behind my back. ugh. well whatever, right now i don't have to see or deal with her so i'm okay.

Anyway, so now im sitting around watching Back to the Future (now on part 3) on tnt, and i feel somewhat content. I mean as content as I could feel right now. So yeah. Its nice.

2:53 p.m. - 2005-02-26


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