compie's Diaryland Diary


the fourth time around

haha. i just read over the last entry and realized how dumb i sound. Well, not what happend. Just how I typed it. This entry will be shorter, don't worry. So, school started. It's dismal. And reminds me that I suck, pretty much. Everyone has this huge clique of friends and theres no one really that I hang out with after school. Well cassie and lacey, theyre really cool and I hang out with them sometimes. But that's about it. Maybe a few other people. But i dont go to parties and crap. And now im a SENIOR. and i have nothing really to show for it. No trophies, or boyfriend, or any self actualization thing. haha. Being a senior is supposed to be this big deal. It feels like a crappy continuation of junior year, minus the good things about last year. Like now lunch is 20 cents more, I don't have ap history (haha..i really miss that class now, and mr. L), we dont have clubs anymore (and i didnt get creative writing like i wanted), and a bunch of other small annoying things. At least I have art, though. I miss the class of 2004 too. I mean its weird everyone in the school being younger then you. I don't feel that old. Ha..I wonder if in college they think about the freshmen the same way they do in highschool..I mean college freshmen. Teachers are always like "i hate freshmen. they smell..seniors are so much more clean..and mature" haha. and we think we are now the wise men on campus or something. pretty soon we'll all be freshmen all over again.

college apps have got me nervous too. I'm a good essay writer i guess, but i dont know how to even begin writing an essay about myself, without making it sound too bland or contrived. any suggestions? meeeh. I havent visited ANY colleges yet. I suck.

school just makes me feel crappy. I was ok in the summer, and on my way to accepting myself. but people in school. ugh. they say things like "amy hasnt grown since 6th grade" (i have..fuck you) and "amy could be a legal midget" (no...fuck you), and a whole bunch of other things that im sure are to come. why cant i just be a normal senior..ugh.

anyways. so yeah. at least this is my weekend. thank god. We went to the Withers today to celebrate a 3 year olds birthday, and grandpas. hahaha. yeah. it was alright. the 3 year old threw up on sarina though. hahaha. yeeeah. and im still hungry cause after that i felt nausious myself. and tomorrow is my 2nd cousins christening. We have to go to some random church for that. im predicting itll be pretty boring. meeeh.

in other news. I still talk to Justin, the girls, and G online. It's keeping me sane, somewhat. theyre awesome. g sent me some pictures yesterday. My life is complete. hahaha. well only sort of.

and im hungry again, but i think ill end up just going to sleep. dofijgoidfgdfg. good night.

11:29 p.m. - 2004-09-04


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