compie's Diaryland Diary


my head hurts

hm. I feel a little better today. Yesterday I felt nausious (however you spell it) and threw up my huge dinner. So I was kind of angry at myself since then i would be hungry. er. Oh and now my mom wants to adopt a foster child. Ok. My mom can hardly deal with me, and im a good kid. How the hell would she be able to even fathom a foster kid. I mean i love my mom and all, but her obsession with religion has kind of led her out of "worldly things" and she has no concept of today's society or anything. I've known kids who are foster kids, and most of them are screwed up, at least by what would be my mothers standards. I mean if she can't deal with me being out with my dad longer then expected how's she going to deal with some klepto/druggie/pschological problematic foster kid. Now I dont mean to stereotype foster kids, and im not saying they dont deserve a home. Im saying my mom isnt the type of person in the right state of mind to even consider one. Things like drugs and sex appall her, that I even know what they are. How's she going to deal with a kid thats probably been exposed to more in life then she ever was..Not to mention shes a horrible judge of character (people I know that have been to jail she's referred to as "great kids"), AND she thinks that we would get some money out of having one. The money the government gives you is FOR the foster kid. Not for yourself. She reasons we can buy things on sale for the kid. Thats a horrible motive and reason to have a foster child. People with that motivation make horrible foster parents, not to mention she's a single mother with a kid about to go to college.

My mom acts like a total idiot sometimes. I know she's smarter then that. But she thinks God can solve everything. I beleive in God too. But God doesnt fix really really stupid mistakes you've been forwarned about but decided to go along with because "god provides". Its just stupid.

I wouldnt mind a little sibling, in fact it would be kind of nice. But not the way my mom wants one. She wants a pet. Because I dont sit around for her to fuss over all the time, she wants something else. ugh.

anyways. I have a shitload of work to do. But im still on this stupid computer. Cursed buddypic. I should stop going there. Its not good for my self esteem or my social skills. stupid buddypic people...Speaking of computer matters...Mall monkeys has been canceled. That makes me really sad. The internet has officially gone down the proverbial tube. I dont have a life.

On a side note, we are so going to have a pop rocks party

6:21 p.m. - 2004-02-17


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