compie's Diaryland Diary


la dia de san valentino

ooh..valentines day. Like my new template? Im too lazy to fix the other one, so I got this one instead. This one is awesome. Awesome I say. So..todays valentines day. Or was rather. I got some small things from my parents, so that was pretty nice i guess. I dont really have a problem with valentines day anymore. I mean not because of the gifts. In some ways I like seeing couples happy, like my dad and veena. As of right now I dont even think im ugly, which is half the reason I hated valentines day to begin with, was just because I felt like i was never going to find anyone. And thats not really true anymore. So yeah. I don't really care about it anymore. Sure its overcommercialized, but so is every holiday.

man, being a junior kind of sucks. I keep forgetting to register for my SATS and then i need to study and i need to get in my AP crap which im probably going to forget about...And make that stupid portfolio..It all makes me pretty nervous, college and all. I got at least one thing from a college everyday now, for about 2 weeks. Thats pretty cool. But im really nervous. Watch me just go to community college and end up working some shit job under someone that I know right now and hate. I really dont want that to happen. Out of the colleges that I've gotten stuff from, Hamilton looks pretty good. And maybe also South Carolina and/or Brown. Ha yeah i got a paper from Brown. Its not a "come to our college" thing though, its more of a "come to our summer precollege courses" thing. Ah well. I guess I need to look at them more closely, I kind of stopped paying attention to them after I got like 5 or 6 in a couple days. So yeah. Nervousness.

Oh and I have to read like 100 pages of notes this weekend. And up to 180 or something in Huck Finn. Its actually a pretty good book, with the likes of Holden Caulfield or Peter Pan. The movie is pretty good too. All this reading if I even get it done is gonna make my head spin though.

On friday I went to chuckeecheeses with Cassie, Lacey, Dave, Seth, and we met up with hollys little sis and her friend there. It was pretty fun but I had to leave early cause it was my dads weekend. The pizza there is really sweet. Kind of sickening, but good in a weird way.

You know what I like? even though sometimes it weirds me out and i never really know the intent, I like it when guys are gentlemen. I mean they dont have to be. But its really nice when they hold doors for you and get your drinks and let you go first and pull out chairs for you and stuff. I mean I dont need all that, but when someone does it its always nice.

My room is really messy. I'm really cold.

12:39 a.m. - 2004-02-15


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