compie's Diaryland Diary


youre the icing on the cake on the table at my wake

you know when you are doing something and you want to write it down that moment, but you really cant because it would make the fact that you're recording it ungenuine....and then later you go to write it and you cant anymore because..well..youre not in the moment. Or you have to pee.

Everybody has the nieve beleif that everyone else's mind is alike to theirs. Therefore, all of our relationships are based only on imagination.

I heard that yesterday while watching late night pbs. Rock on.

I got the modest mouse cd, Everywhere and his nasty parlour tricks. Its really good.

this weekend i went to gettysburg and amish country or whatever you call it. The amish are actually pretty liberal. Well at least the ones near here are. Just extremely organized. Liberal and organized at the same time.

Oh my god. School starts in less then a week. Thats fucking scary. I really really really really dont want to go back. I think the only person i know who truly grasps why i dont like western so much is tuyen.

god, you know what i hate? I hate how some people cant appreciate anything. Yvonne annoys me sometimes. We all went to this "party" thing at this rich guys house on friday. th host's neice and nephew came over too, might i mention that both of them were two of the most intensly beautiful people ive seen. Well...Im not sure if the word is quite beautiful, but..Well the boy was 16 and really tall, dark with dark hair and small glasses. Its hard to describe, but both of them looked like characters out of a trendy cartoon. They both could have been in daria. The girl was lighter then the boy, with short cropped hair and huge eyes. Okay, anyways, thats besides the point...Yvonne kept saying how there was something "wrong" with the boy, being that hes so tall and that hes only 16. Well, for one thing, hes almost 17 because hes going to be a senior next year. And, while is abnormally tall, that does not mean that anything is a matter with him. Leave people alone. Just because they dont look like you it does not mean that they are inadequate. Argh, then veena too. She is always implying my shortness like that of a bad habit. Like something that is horrible and something i can help. I dont think being short it horrible, although she definettly makes me feel like it is. And i obviously cant do anything conciously to make me taller. Im going to get taller but its not like i can control it anyway. I dont even see what her problem is. I am the same height as her is not half an inch taller or shorter. I dont see why its such a big fucking deal.

we were watching some shit on e! about prince william, and it said how he likes tall blonde girls. I honestly didnt care..i mean..why should i.. But then veena, smiling her over used condescending smile, says, "oh i guess that rules you out amy"

i mean....what the fuck. I dont find prince william particularly attractive in the first place..and i know it was just a joke, but it was unnecessary. She, herself, doesnt have blonde hair and is just as far from tall as i am. She's just like that i guess. She is always implying everything thats wrong with me all the time. There is nothing i can do to make her happy so i just should stop wasting my energy trying. Someone will compliment me, and she always gives them an excuse to why im like that

"oh, amy is really intelligent"

"oh, she only seems that way because she reads a lot"

well..yeah. anyways. I still have to pee. so i will go.

11:41 a.m. - 2002-08-20


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