compie's Diaryland Diary


tha sports banquet (sorry this title isnt too catchy or anything..)

ah, so, the sports banquet was pretty fun. The food was like aeroplane food and it was kind of long (i was the first person to be announced) but it was still fun. I got to hang out with sara and nancy and chrissy and narihan so it was cool. The cake was yummy. hehe. i got a big letter that i stuck to my wall (which im realizing now was taped on crooked..) and a certificate. they fucked up my certificate and put me as manager so mr jett is gonna fix it. Chrissy gave me her senior picture. its really pretty. I paper clipped it to my program book and when i got home i took it off and the paper clip left a white scratch on the top of the picture..dammit. well its at the top so it doesnt exactly ruin the actual picture or her face, so its alright. Mr Thanner gave the best speech for the girls varsity softball team, hahaha. "you may know youre a softball player if..". Mr Jetts speech things for us were cool too. He described each one of us before announcing our names to get an award. i was the first person he announced, and tennis was the first team to go up, so i was the first person for everything. haha. I feel special cause i got a varsity letter. Its pretty cool. Now all i need is a nice leather jacket so i can stick it at the back for an extra jockiness. hehe.

ah im so tired. This whole week ive been goin to bed in the single digits (8 or 9). its been quite nice, but it allows no tolerance for staying up any later then that. my eyes are, like, burning closed. aah jeez. Okay, well, i thought id tell you all how it went since like a dumbass i forgot to disconnect the internet before i left, so now ive clocked in an amazing 5 hours of online time. oh yeah. and this time i wasnt even in front of the computer.

we watched Ferris Buelers day off in technology today. the same procedure was followed as last time when we watched 10 things i hate about you. It was really funny. kind of funny that we were watching it in school on our own accord too.

lalala. Today has left me in a good mood. Time to go to sleep and dream of happy thoughts. God i sound like an idiot.

9:18 p.m. - 2002-05-21


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