compie's Diaryland Diary


i love my agenda book

oh my god...i cant find my agenda book. fuck. half my school papers are in there, and not to mention peoples phone numbers whom i havent memorized...his phone number. oh my god. i had my name and all in there, but i dont know if ill be able to find it tomorrow. a lot of the kids steal the passes at the back of the book then throw it out. that would suck so fucking much. i have so much shit in that agenda book. i have his number, half my work thats due tomorrow, my passes, my drawings, my random things i write. oh god. i dont want anyone going through it...i mean, its not exactly private, but i have some stuff in there that i wouldnt want everyone to see. nothing bad or anything..just..random thoughts and dorkiness. Oh god. i am so motherfuckingly screwed if i dont find it tomorrow. i know its in the geometry room, and at least mr jett isnt a floater (its his room) but the kids in there after us are 11th graders.....i dont know if theyll take it or not. oh my god. my whole like is in there. half my geometry notes i need to study for the hsas, my government homework, the photocopy hting i needed for english class. oh my lord if i lost that book i am so fucking dead. its not just that, i have a note from ranju that she wrote to me her last day, her phone number that i never memorized, *his* phone number written in his handwriting....a bunch of drawings that stuff that i really like. So much fucking shit collected from this whole year that if i lost that book i am seriously going to keel over and cry my eyes out. i know, i must sound like a nerd, but right now i really cant afford to lose any of that shit. i write everything in there. i cant beleive i left it there. ive never left my agenda book. its binder. i dont even put my papers in my binder anymore i put it in there. it has all my stickers and all my poems and phone numbers and letters and its the only way i could have done ecology hw thats due tomorrow and oh my god i am going to cry if i cant find it.

11:23 p.m. - 2002-05-13


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