compie's Diaryland Diary


fuck (drifting away from all that is happy)

fuck. People kind of suck. Today was fun though. Canoeing was fun. We saw a bunch of bald eagles, a little baby painted turtle, some kind of velcro plant, and another plant that gets rid of poisonivy/bee stings. It was fun. I still feel like im drifting though, its weird. And everytime i move the mouse i have this feeling that my hand will get stuck and itll go under something somehow. God..Wendy and Alicia are such bitches. They ditched me and tuyen today canoeing so we had to go in a canoe with ms fine. It was alright though, shes okay out of school. Whenever we crashed into them by mistake theyd always yell at *me* as if it was *my* fault. And they were so fucking serious about it too. I wasnt even the one steering. Everything i said, wendy would look at me, her smile would face into a scorn and her eyes would narrow on me like i was a fucking mutant. Stupid bitch. Alicia was the same, except she didnt do it as much and she did it even when i wasnt even talking or doing anything to her. I know they both talk about me liking jesse, which by the way is not true, although i do think he is a better person then them. Wendy was complaining to Soraya that i said she was racsist because she was talking about how black darlene was and she compared her to a trash bag. I just said that was mean, and i wasnt all "that was mean now youre a fucking racsist bitch.". all I fucking said was that that wasnt very nice. I dont see what the fuck her problem is. When i corrected her she was all "oh i wasnt talking to you.". Fuck. Maybe if this was a week or two ago i would have just lied down and taken it but now it fucking makes me mad. They were nice to me at the end of the trip, only because i bought them fries when they didnt have any money when we stopped at burger king. I could tell wendy felt bad because of the way she asked me to borrow money and stuff. Yeah. I dont like it that they were only nice to me then. I didnt know they were that much of materialist fuck heads. Maybe i sound like a bitch, i dont know; but its not just this. Its every time she has given me shit before now too. fuck.

Im about to cry. My mom couldnt take me to tennis today, cause she was going to church or some shit and wouldnt be back till 11 and couldnt pick me up. Well maybe if she told me that yesterday. Stupid fucking bitch. Today was the county tournament, and i told jett id be there even though i wasnt playing.

I hate it when guys are such assholes. Its common sense not to do certain things like send your friends that are girls pictures of really "hot" chicks. it doesnt make them feel very good about themselves. Especially when theyre fucking straight.

The only thing that i can say that made me truly happy were the moments i it was just me and tuyen and ms fine on the boat and i didnt have to see wendy and alicia, and jessicas party when kim, jeff, and sierra said i was cool. Haha. yeah the party kind of sucked but it wasnt jessicas fault. Nick matt and that other girl were being a bunch of assholes. I could see why jessica would be frustrated.

I am so mad at everyone right now. Except for people i hardly know. I like jeff and kim now because they gave me a ride today and they were among the few people who were actually nice. I wish i had gotten to see chrissie today. she always cheers me up. Especially for someone i hardly know, shes awesome. Too bad i couldnt go to tennis..fuck.

12:51 a.m. - 2002-05-04


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