compie's Diaryland Diary


coughcough hooray. Do you like my icceee?


School started, on monday. It kind of sucked the first day, and ive been getting sicker. But today was fun. In gym, i ran into a wall. hahaha. So far, this year, ive ran into a wall, a mailbox, and a door. I'm getting smarter everyday it seems. I hurt something in my palm, theres an odd swollen thingy and its red in one spot. I kinda like getting hurt once in a while. Not in a masochistic way, but in a fighting sort of way. Like having a bruised fist. hahaha. Im such a Fight Clubber. Too bad im a female so i cant join. Plus id get my ass whooped. oh yeah.. Mr Jett told me i could be on the tennis team..he was all "yeah. I made some mistakes and the people i had room for did not want to be there and its kind of awkard for you i know..but..i want you to know that we have room for you now." yeah..thats right mr jett. APOLIGIZE for my incompetance. it WAS youre mistake....hahaha. Yeah like 6 of the best girls left so now theyre a little short now. Hes lyin. I mean, we BOTH know thati suck. Hes being all nice to me and stuff...Im still going to probbaly join though. I have no dignity. And i kind of hoped this would happen from the day i found out i hadnt made it. It feels almost as good as if Carver sending me a letter saying they mixed my applications with someone else and that i really was accepted. haa. anyways...

I am watching Carazay in Alabama. Bravo is a cool station. Ahhh..the 4th quarter...I think im only getting one A for the 3rd. I got an 89.7 in gov. and he wont round it. godammit. And, in gym i had an 89. I mean. wtf.. How does he even grade us in gym? he might as well just give me a fucking A. But, i DID get an 83 on the geometry test, i though i had bombed it. An 83 on a geometry test is a big thing fer me. Plus, i got the highest test grade on that one on my table. as in the 3 other people who are a lot smarter then me when it comes to math who sit in my immediate vicinity. I finished my homework early today. I had to write an essay and do some other stuff but it was alright. Only on a days i get concrete homework. As in, do this paper, and do this ditto. On b days, i get shit like " have a journal and finish all the classwork that you didnt finish" its always like a shitload of crap on b days.

ANYWAY...enough of homework. I want to see monsoon wedding. Ranju, have you seen monsoon wedding? if you have tell me how it is. If you havent maybe we can go see it together or something. ASIAN POWER! hahaha. jk.

I was happy i got an email from molly. She was online one day but i was at a lacrosse game psuedoly managing. Yeah. I need to reply to that slow.

Okay, off to take advantage of the fact that im already done my homework.

11:00 p.m. - 2002-04-10


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