compie's Diaryland Diary


4am bored

<8.7.01 @ 4:something am>Well, heyo. Here i am again playing the role of insomniac bored out of her mind. Im not really an insomniac though, maybe. I think i could fall asleep right now if i really wanted to. I'm sitting on word perfect again typing this at 4:14 in the morning. Jesus fucking christ thats late. Late for someone like me who was disconnected from the internet about a hour ago (why the hell didnt i sleep an hour ago then...) Well, my moms dumb. She thinks by disconnecting me from the internet i will go to sleep, but my rebelious instincts tell me to stay up for as late i can just doing stuff. Today I walked around. While i was walking to the pool to meet up with jessica, i saw a empty lighter lieing in the grass and when i kept on walking i kept on thinking that the neighbourhood behind me was going up in flames right behind me. I guess it was the heat getting to me. I don't know why i even included that in this post. After my little mind trip, me and jess walked to burger king (we're such bums, we walk everywhere.) And we were gunna go through the emergency exit by mistake, actually shes the one that opened it absentmindedly just thinking it was a door and not noticing the red stripes and "EMERGENCY EXIT" written on it either. I admit, i didnt realize it either till the high pitched alarm went off and we were like "oh shit." haha. Thats a pretty valid response, eh? Blah. And then we walked back home and yelled out songs. I say yelled because it was way more loud than it was in tune, hahaha. Yeah we sang cake and the gorillaz and greenday. Im such a dork. Then umm..i came home and im hungry but im not gunna go venture out of my room because my mother is really fucked up late at night and will come at me with her squinched up sleepy face demanding suspiciously why im at the kitchen and all that bullshit. I can hear her in her room. I hope she doesnt come in again and warn me about school starting *a month from now*. Well. Bah. That all i have to say to that. I feel short. I should grow. Grow dammit. Maybe i should do that thing that that holistic doctor talked about in his seminar, he said that his dad is 5 feet and his mom is 4'10 [he is 5'9] and he got that way by stretching a certain way at least 10 mins once in the morning and night or something. I don't care how stupid i look, i don't want to be freakishly small for the rest of my godammit! Well yeah i may try that. Ummmm..what else. Yuki said i made her a punk rocker. Wowie I influenced someone who is 2 years older than me and lives across the country! How cool is that?! Yeah teeth hurt. Im gunna get my braces off soon yaay!! Hehe. Gosh this thing is weird. It keeps on capitalizing when its sposed to and underlining everything else. Haha. Hmm..what else? Hmm thats pretty much it. I miss mike. A lot. Uhmm..and uh. I still have an unwatched urge to see rockos modern life. And my butt hurts. Hahahhaa. I complain too much don't I. I like car commercial music. I don't like limp bizkit. Their new video is pretty trippy though its kinda weird because the dumbass wearing the ny yankees hat and screaming his head off (ie: fred durst) looks really out of place in the whole thing. Speaking of trippy, i was meaning to find this old story i wrote a long while ago and post it here but i never ended up looking for it today. Er. Tomorrow. Well i better get the hell out of here and post this. haha. Well, i think the plot is good but its not written that great i guess. I dunno. Oh well. if i find it ill post it here. I think i should stop writing now because sitting in this chair for such a fucking long period of time is starting to get to me. For a little while ill tlak to my buddies jumping around my room from now, hehehe. (Don't ask). Okay, so, yeah, im done. Sweet dreams everyone.

10:15 p.m. - 2001-08-07


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