compie's Diaryland Diary


christianity is dumb mom dragged me to church today, so I thought I'd vent it here...Firstly, im unitarian (a person who has their own beleifs and doesnt beleive in organized religion...especially CHRISTIANITY) but, of course, she doesnt know that. If she did shed think Im satan or something. But, don't get me wrong, christian people are fine...I have some friends who are christian. It's not that really, it's how my mom tries to force her stupid beleifs on me. My friends don't tell me that "If your'e not with Jesus, then your'e with satan" or, "you have to go to church with me just have to". Secondly, even if I was christian, church still sucks...the fibers of the seat digging into your skin as you listen to some old guy talk about whats good and bad.... Not my idea of fun. Im sorry. Maybe its just me, and maybe some people genuinly enjoy that kind of torture-- I mean, that kind of...."fun". But, i personally find christianity as a form of brainwashing. I mean, look at my mom! shes like almost become a goddamned rightwinger!! Shes all like "gay people are sinners" and getting tatoos and peircings is also a sin. I guess having fun has also become some form of sinning to, eh? sheesh. Even though we're Indian, i still think she has some sort of idea of white supremacy or something. I dunno, all she does now is watch her bullshit christian television and the 700 club. She even gets MAIL from them!! They know where we live!! thats just damn scary!grr....shes sooo annoying. First of all, im pro gay and bi rights, anti school prayer, and prochoice...everything shes not. And, i strongly beleive in those things..Its offensing to hear that gay people shouldnt be able to marry, that school prayer should be the law along with the dumbass pledge to further brainwash our youth of america, and that "its not a choice, its a baby" BULLSHIT!!! and, think about this christian religion...humans arre so conceited to think that everything was made for them.. on the way to church today, my mom was telling me this. She was saying how all the trees were made for people to biuld houses out of, how all the animals were made for people to eat. THATS NOT TRUE! thats animal cruelty and deforestation. I'm not saying that eating meat is bad...but, to think that cows, pigs, and chickens were "made by god" specificly for our purposes is just about the stupidest thing I'v even heard.. when will people get it? thats all i have to say for now. peace love and happiness...bye.

16:11:04 - 2000-09-03


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