compie's Diaryland Diary


needle in the hay

ooo..2003 is almost here. And i just became used to writing 2002 on everything. So i guess armageddon or what have you didnt come this year. Darn. Well, folks, theres always 2012, and 2022, and 2222.

2003. Ill be 16. Holy shit. I dont feel about-to-turn-16. I barely feel 15. And i barely look 12. Well, either i get mistaken for a middle schooler, or a college student. So if you average everything out i guess i "look" 15.

Well i Got a nice new layout. It's supposed to be a subway station. Someone said it looked like a kitchen, haha. Well i think its pretty cool. It has that whole "going away from all of you" sort of thing about it. Because no one is in the station with you. I guess you can assume you're the only one.

La Dee Da. I'm not going with my mother to church tomorrow. There is no way. Thats crazy. Instead, Ill sit at home. I may go to Jessicas and Amanda will get some fireworks and itll be fun. I talked to Jessica yesterday. She apoligized for being dumb lately. I apologized for bitching at her for her dumb-ness. Then we made movies about each other concerning brandon. Twas very funny. If you ask me, ill show them to you. Or ill put it on my website sometime soon.

Hm..School starts soon. Thursday. I don't really want to think about it. I only realize how much i hate school when i have holidays. Its worth not seeing all my "friends" quite honestly. The ones i feel like seeing i can arrange without school. I guess, logically, school was required to meet those people. And im sure things like college and school will help people meet each other or whatever. But after you know everyone that you think is worth knowing, it just becomes horrible. The people, and the work, and the stress. My expectations of myself and life goes down when school starts.

Tennis season will be coming around soon. I ought to practice. I am afraid, however, that i have no tennis-playing friends nor a net or court to practice on. Well theres Sarina. She lives in VA though. Its not like i see her every day. Maybe Ill ask Tobias to help me out..I sit with her at lunch and shes the top-seed for the girl's in our team. I just want to make the team, really. I hope i do. Despite all the "see you next year on the team!" crap i got from mr jett im still wondering. If i suck horribly he doesnt really have to accept me. And last year i didnt technically make the team. So i dont know.

Anyways. Just another reason to hate school. Hm..I've pretty much decided that i don't like matt anymore. Talking to like talking to some..some..I dont know. Just something not that fun to talk to. He's too closed minded. I dont know really how to explain it. Like he'll be all for something, and then if you word the very same thing differently he'll try say how wrong you are. I dont think he even knows what hes talking about half the time. Well..Whatever. I think ill just leave the whole thing alone for a while. Everything is probably all in my head.

7:10 p.m. - 2002-12-30


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