compie's Diaryland Diary


I wonder what Tom Waits was like as a little boy

something about birthdays..

I was just looking at this picture. A close up of candles on a birthday cake. They make me happy.

That's what I always think of on my birthday. I think of hot pink striped waxy candles on a birthday cake my mom made. I think of watching her make the icing and pouring in the yellow dye, which really looked deep red in the container. But when she put it in the homemade icing it would turn it a brilliant shade of gold. I always loved watching my mom make my cake, and then the icing.

I miss those. I miss the teenage mutant ninja turtle party for micheal, my "boyfriend" when we were 5. We never kissed. We just played house. While all the girls thought Kevin was really hot because he was in FIFTH grade, little mike was always the one close to my heart. He was small for his age, just like me. And I was the only girl at his turning 5 (or was it 6?) birthday party. It was teenage mutant ninja turtles themed. I remember getting bored because all the boys were ignoring me, so his sister gave me a tour of their house. But I liked the ninja turtles that had come. they were my heroes.

Sometimes I miss the smell of cheap plastic mcdonalds toys that came in happy meals.

I miss not having to worry about pap smears or shots to prevent cervical cancer from an STD, that could lie dormant for about 20 or 30 years, or so I hear. I miss not having to have to get a gynocologist, or a dermatologist, because my skin is now infected and scarred. I was really unscarred then.

I miss being able to run around naked under a polka dotted dress, pink with bright green dots, with button up straps.

was that even the same girl? or was childhood a dream.

today when going to the doctors for a check up, where I got my referrals for a gyno and for a dermatologist, the lady at the desk goes...
"remember me?"
shit..i think. here i am looking like crap under flourescent light, and this is someone from my past.
"do you remember ms. liouse?"
"well i'm her. from mount providence. I recognized your name! tell your mom I said hi."

mount providence was the preschool i had gone to. I peed on this woman's lap once. That's the only thing I remember about her, really.

12:26 a.m. - 2007-01-18


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