compie's Diaryland Diary


the A-Q alphabet on amy's realizations.


meh. so today was ok. I went to K and S's party. It wasnt too bad, we all kind of sat around, but i cant complain. Theyre nice girls and it was something to do. I also realized that..
a) Im breaking out...a week before homecoming. Which is going to stress me out even more. my face HURTS. attractive, I know.
b)my hair gets really nasty like two days after washing it, and when i wash it, its really frizzyand nasty. I need to buy some hair products. my hair and skin REALLY piss me off.
c)it is FREEZING outside. I went out in a t shirt, jeans, and scarf. and got cold.
d) the paint did NOT come out of my FAVORITE jeans >:|!!!! argh. I guess they look "cool" now though. right...RIGHT?! It did come out a little bit..maybe after a couple washes..sigh.
e)not having a car and not being able to drive is REALLY REALLY inconvenient
f) going to my dad's every other weekend and therefore forgoing every single possible plan of mine, or not going at all to my dads is really annoying. I feel guilty about not going, but its really annoying how im not able to get anything accomplished or hang out with anyone the whole time when im there. meeeh. i hate having divorced parents sometimes, mostly because of the logistics. maybe if i had a car this wouldnt be a problem though. sigh.
g)I get really shiny and red in pictures sometimes. ew. and then it looks like i have no eyebrows..because i outshine them. ew. just plain yucky.
h) surfing on plastic cars on springs in playgrounds is fun
i) all rats pee on you(you, being me, specifically. and only me)
j) all you need for an effective rave is some dance music (preferably 80s dance music), a strobe light, and a colored spinny light thing.
k) my fingers are still cold from the outside weather.
l) little things like most of the aforementioned get piled up to make me very very angry.
m) did i mention i have a test on monday, and two projects due? I hate school. fuckety fuck fuck.
n)that its really hard to find clear bra straps. WHY?? they exist dont they?? I hate stores.
o) my computer is going to give me an anuerysm.
p) a lot of my friends got "most ____" for the senior superlatives. I got nothing. I guess im most nothing. and that i suck. blah.
q) randhal wont be there tomorrow at service. WWWWWAAAAAAAAAH.

well thats about it for now, im sure i could go down to z, and most of it would be complaints...but i guess i shouldnt. Because, you know, complaining isnt good. Life could be worse im sure. and i have a couple days...or a straighten everything out. i guess..

8:55 p.m. - 2004-10-16


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