compie's Diaryland Diary


i am paranoid.


this is creepy.

one of my teachers today mentioned that he knows i have a journal? cause some other teacher searched themselves once and found their name in here. EEk. i didnt know i mentioned teachers so much. ha, although i guess it makes sense because i have no life and all i write about is what i did at school today.

well hopefully i didnt write anything bad about anyone..i dunno. I really ought to just stop talking about school. i mean the most intersting thing about it is my classes, and i guess thats not saying much (shouldnt i be more interested in who made out with who last weekend at the party where everyone was drunk?). Its just creepy that possibly the whole administration at my school reads my journal from time to time and..yeah. creepy. hm. i should really stop mentioning names. from now on everyones gonna be mr. f and mr.g ...and stuff.

anyways..i hate guys. they are fickle assholes who just want to get laid. alll of them. even the "smart" and "nice" ones. and then they randomely just stop talking to you when they feel like it..

i hate being another mediocre fish in a big sea of fishes

in more ways then one i guess.

im really curious about randhal's--no, "R"'s secret.

yeah im trying to make my life sound intresting without mentioning school. before yesterday i hung out with N. shes a cool girl. She was hospitalized for a suicide attempt recently though, and that really worries me. im mean, no shit. (i didnt use her name mainly cause im talking about how shes suicidal)its hard to talk to her about it though..I really dont know what to say, being younger then her. Its easy to dismiss someones advice when theyre younger then you. i dunno. we went to borders, which was fun. I got stankonia, and a fitzgerald book. The people there were really nice even though i am retarded and couldnt find anything there. annnd. yeah. then we went to la madeleine. Its a nice restaurant. I shouldve just ordered real food though instead of dessert. I know..interesting story. She's graduating..and itll suck cause illl miss her. She's one of the few people that i dont hang out with a lot, but when i do i feel somewhat comfortable, and there isnt the feeling of not knowing or relating to her at all, as it is with some people i barely hang out with. i dunno.

so the banquet is today. i have to write 3 pages of my essay and do this dumb project. i have half an hour. im not going to do it until i come back.

ok so here i am again talking about school. let me just stop.

5:16 p.m. - 2004-05-25


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