compie's Diaryland Diary


100 facts

100 facts.

hahaha. I didnt think id ever make one of these. But hey, I was bored.

1. Im a girl

2. My name is Amy.

3. I'm pretty short.

4. But I'm trying to grow (haha..long story)..Ill be taller soon!

5. I seriously think i will be.

6. I like Art

7. and English

8. I guess that makes me a loser.

9. I'm Indian

10. The eastern kind.

11. I don't speak anything but English though.

12. I was born here in the US of A.

13. My parents grew up in India but met here.

14. I like all kinds of music, really.

15. Everything from Bright Eyes to REM to NIN to the Fugees to Aesop Rock

16. I think i have pretty good music taste

17. I fall hard for guys.

18. And it usually takes me a while to recover.

19. I'm usually inadvertantly rejected.

20. Then i get depressed.

21. I'm a little bummed at a similar situation now

22. --Except for this summer's church youth convention.

23. Guys liked me then. LOTS of them. It was weird.

24. And everyone there thought i was a whore.

25. It was less then a good thing really, cause it made everything really awkward given the setting (church)

26. But it made me feel better about myself that some of them liked me (since most were all very attractive, and actually decent, people themselves)

27. But guys don't usually like me or anything

28. And i constantly doubt my self worth because of that

29. But i'm trying to be less vocal about that and im not as bad about it as i used to be. I have a little self esteem now.

30. But I think almost everyone else is way better then me

31. Doesnt everyone?

32. I write stories sometimes.

33. They're usually not that good, but i somewhat like the story i just finished (refer to my previous entry)

34. I used to be obsessed with videogames

35. Namely Zelda.

36. I had braces and glasses until early in highschool (a couple years ago i got rid of the braces and a year ago the glasses), so i've been used to being labeled a nerd.

37. I don't have a group of friends like everyone else.

38. I'm not a punk.

39. I'm not a prep.

40. I'm not a nerd.

41. Well shit. Then apparently im nothing.

42. Sometimes i like it better this way though.

43. Sometimes.

44. I wish i was cooler.

45. And bigger. I'm always trying to get bigger. I hate being so small.

46. I'm pretty smart. People copy my work. I usualy get good grades without trying.

47. But i dont try hard enough.

48. So often i just get mediocre grades anyway

49. I'm terrible at math. I hate it.

50. I'm in calculus. It's hell.

51. People think i can dance. Hahaha.

52. The few that have heard me sing think im a good singer too. haha. Well only susan has really heard me, so theres only one opinion

53. Not that I plan to be a singer anytime soon.

54. Thank god.

55. I'm christian. Sort of.

56. I mean I am, but im like the type of christian that you would find in Europe during the time of the enlightenment.

57. In other words I'm pretty liberal and don't take everything the bible says to heart word for word.

58. I'm only kind of liberal though. Not a totally leftist or anything.

59. I've never been kissed (on the lips)

60. I've never smoked pot

61. My first "boyfriend" was this summer, due to that whole youth convention thing.

62. He was very goodlooking.

63. But I didn't feel he was my type.

64. This 23 year old that was very cute, and my friend's brother, whom i met at that convention, apparently he liked me too.

65. Who cares, I know. It just makes me feel cool.

66. Sorry. I know i probably sound like a bitch.

67. I really like movies.

68. Everyone thinks I'm obsessed with Fight Club, but its only one of my favorite movies.

69. I REAALLY want to see that new Peter Pan movie.

70. Peter Pan is my favorite disney cartoon.

71. I hold a firm beleif that the younger kids get, the less cool they usually are.

72. Not even just cause theyre young. Like older kids when they were our age, they were cooler.

73. I'm really bad at sports.

74. I play tennis for school.

75. I'm no good at it.

76. But sometimes I am, when I'm really confident in myself.

77. That's probably my main problem with everything, I dont have any confidence.

78. I have homework, but instead I'm sitting here doing this.

79. My tummy hurts.

80. I spend way too much time online.

81. It's probably not too healthy.

82. I'm in 3 AP classes

83. Theyre not really as hard as people make you think. Theyre just normal classes

84. Except for calculus, of course

85. I really like christmas

86. I really hate school

87. I really hate people

88. Sometimes, I really like them

89. I really like 80s music.

90. I just found out the definition of AWOL. Like this week.

91. And the definition of metrosexual.

92. I hardly ever know what's going on in pop culture anymore.

93. I really need to get out more.

94. I hardly ever get sick

95. But when i do it lasts forever

96. I like fruits. And v8 splash.

97. I don't like vegetables.

98. I like hats. And books.

99. I can't beleive i just sat here and wrote all this useless shit about me.

100. Haha and i cant beleive you sat here and read it. God bless you.

6:27 p.m. - 2003-12-02


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