compie's Diaryland Diary


la dia de damos gracias

Hey kids.

Ah, last day of school for..5 days. pretty exciited. Decided i dont care what the folks of think of me. Got my yearbook today. About a year late, it came in the mail. A lot of people dont look like themselves in the yearbook. Er, and i hate my picture. And Its weird looking at something old but new for the first time. Feels like a time capsule. To pile on the weirdness, i talked to brandon for the first time since June, probably..I mean, in person. Well, on the phone rather. He called me. I was kind of confused as to why, then i realized he wanted to know if there were lots of pictures of him in the yearbook, and because i guess he considers me a friend. Thats cool. I wannnted to hang out with Amanda F today, but by the time i got to making some plans with her, her parents would pick up and yell at her to get off the phone. Plus she wanted to go to Kim's party. I dont really want to..but. eh i dunno. Jessica is going too. I doubt itll be much fun, nothing against Kim of anything. I doubt my mom would let me go anyways.

Speaking of "i doubt my mom would let me go anyways", i got this stuff in the mail about Simon's Rock College. Its an early College for juniors and seniors who want to skip those years in highschool and go straight to college. I was kind of flattered that they'd think to send me that in the first place, and im considering going because its a way to formally run away, if you will, from here. I mean Its a nice thought to entertain, going to college If i applied and got in (which may also be a slim chance), I would be leaving in January. Thats like, way soon. Plus its 40thou for tuition and everything, which is aaa lot, and i really dont think my mom would let me. Still, its a nice thought to entertain. I like the possibility of it. Makes me feel smart. And gives me a door out of here.

Recently I've been feeling restless. Well, not restless really, just worried that i shouldnt be so "sit here and do nothing" all the time. Like sit on this computer. and do nothing. Its probably not too healthy. I should be living. But im not. Im sitting at my computer doing nothing. Maybe thats why im so short and skinny. Cause i do NOTHING. but, maybe ill start to try to change that. And by the end of Thanksgiving Break ill be a BEAST. ha. or ill just end up still sitting here and doing nothing, like i am right now. cause apparently, im what they call a "loser" Well, damn.

And im hungry too. psh.

6:36 p.m. - 2003-11-25


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