compie's Diaryland Diary


graphic art mayhem.

dundundun. dundundun. hehehe. Ah, today Graphic Arts Workshop er whatever you want to call it was pretty cool. I made this image with something i made yesterday in my first class, and a lot of people said that they liked it. I was like yay! haha. This guy just came and stood next to me and was like "wow i really like that." hahaha. He had a prepubescent overarticulated voice but what can i say im a sucka fer black hair on white boys. Not that i like him or anything..But he was pretty cute. He seemed a bit homosexual, although thats probably a bad stereotype. My computer didnt have macromediadirector on it so i was huntin fer a computer that did but i couldnt find one so i just ahd to sit there and watch for the last half hour of class. I didnt mind though, i felt like i accomplished a lot and the instructor said hed catch me up tomorrow.

hahaha. My hormones are way out of control. There this really cute guy there. He held the door for me yesterday and today he was throwin paper at me. hahahaha. Not like in a bad way, in a flirty way i guess. haa. Or maybe i read things wrong. I turned around and he smiled at me and i smiled back. hahaha. What can i say, im a sucker for guys with black hair, a trenchcoat, guys who hold doors and throw paper at you i guess. Hahaha. I'm a freak. I really need to stop with all this girlie boycrazieness. It started as a way to get revenge on matt, who was pointing out various girls in the yearbook who were "hot", and now i actually am i little too hormonally overloaded. Im not attracted to evvveryone though. I sat next to this kid today when searching for a computer that had director on it..the instructor (mr jim er something i think) said i could share a computer with someone and once i got up to look for someone who was using it this guy was all "oh so i can already see you dont want to share with me.." but he wasnt in director..But i didnt want to be mean so i kept in that seat and he wouldnt let me do anything. hahaha. but it was all good cause he made this macromedia movie that was hilarious. It was like, pamela anderson sliding across the screen, then a big tank engine riding across, then a close up of britney spear's boobs. hahahaa. The-guy-who-opened-the-door-for-me thought it was hilarious too. hahaha. The guy i was sitting next to who made it (alex i think) hates britney spears though its hilarious. Like he opened liquify on paintshop and fucked her up it was so much fun. hee hee.

5:15 p.m. - 2002-07-30


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