compie's Diaryland Diary



The entries are so shallow. None of them actually reflect what im feeling at the time i write them. I guess i need to work on that. Being discriptive on the tortured mind is harder than stating the obvious. I feel like. I don't know. Not good or bad, but not going anywhere. Not advanceing. Probably de-gressing more then progressing. But in the same i feel like I am freed of some things. I need to learn to trust people now. I need to think that maybe people arn't just acting like they like me. That everyone really isnt avoiding me on purpose, and that I don't suck. Of course, those of you like helki who think i am saying this because i want pity and reassurance should just fuck off and leave. Helki and Kelly are the reasons I don't trust people anymore. Ialways think that people are just being nice to be but really hate me but are friendly so they can..Nevermind. I sometimes feel like I like people more then they like me. Which is probably true. Oh well. School is tiring. Oh so tiring. I should be asleep now, I think i have developed a mild case of insomnia because even though i am so tired I can't fall asleep. It's been like that all week. Hmm..It should be okay soon. School politics suck.

I am watching Ren and Stimpy. Its on vh1. How cool is that? Ren and Stimpy was never a absolute favorite show of mine, but I am happy to see some quality old nickelodeon cartoons. The best one was Rocko. I dont think you need to hear me go on about Rocko though, so I'll just leave it at that. I have to write a story that can compare to the Odyssey, as far as plot goes. Hmm..I am a Dry puddle as far as creativity goes, at least recently I have been. Yeah.

I would like to see Vanilla Sky and the Royal Tenenbaums. Back to that money thing again. I spent it all on peoples christmadd presents. I still need to get my parents something, so the rest of my money is saved for that. Yep.

*yawn* I should go to sleep. I feel broken and fucked up, but not too bad considering these things. Thats okay.

12:00 a.m. - 2001-12-15


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