compie's Diaryland Diary


adults suck

sigh. I dont know what the hell is wrong with me. The week just started and i cant wait for the weekend. I dont think i can survive another geometry class. I understand nothing. I got a D on the last test. On the upside, me tuyen and sandy got an A on our shinto myth movie. Ms. currie scott was being a bitch though. She said we would have gotten a perfect grade if i (specifically, me.) wasnt laughing the whole time...Sandy was laughing too! the whole class was. argh, she just doesnt like me. Im mad that i got a B this quarter in her class. I mean, a b is perfectly fine but...its like. My best class. I got the same grade in english that i did in biology and geometry. that just doesnt make sense. Then again, i should be happy that i didnt get anything lower then a b in those classes, and i am, because i probably didnt deserve a b in geometry especially. Argh, i should shut the hell up. Who cares. school is depressing anyway. I dont want to think about that place. Im glad i got B's this quarter, show the damn school that i dont need a fucking tutor (well...maybe in geometry). last quarter i got 3 cs 1 d 2 as and 2 bs. hahaha. Im glad i dont have the stress of getting good grades on me at the moment. Im *almost* getting the hang of high school, not that i dont think the place is bullshit, because it still really is; i just know how the game works. or maybe im just dumb.

Erg. I didnt get my dvd player back today, my dad said tomorrow. i was supposed to get it back today, but...ergh... I was disappointed, but only mad when i heard veena in the background bitching when my father asked her if they would be able to get the thing to me by tomorrow. I mean, they said they were going to get it by last weekend, so its just..She sounded really annoyed and i could hear her say through gritted teeth that they would *try* to do it tomorrow. i mean, thats what i was expecting, that theyd try. it wasnt really what she said but how she said it. Erg. and now i feel like a brat for whining about it the whole time. All i really want to do is watch moulin rouge and fight club. I suck. I dunno, lately she seems to dislike me particularly. The last weekend i was with them, Her sister came over to visit. She gave me something for my birthday/christmas, which i was surprised at. Veena mumbled pretty loudly that "amy doesnt like to give." i mean, where the fuck did that come from?! i painted a picture and framed it for her for christmas, and gave her these two candles i made. Not terribly expensive, but i dont think that should matter. What should matter is if you like or you think the person would like what you give them. She seemed to like it. I dont see where that comment could have come from. And the whole time she was bitching at me to finish my homework. We went to my friend serina's house, and she made me sit in the coldest room where no one was to finish my homework. I didnt really realize it when rohan, serinas sister, insisted that i go into the kitchen to do my homework because it is uncomfortable the lonely-room.Rohans cool. Im sure she didnt do it deliberatly...its just..a bunch of little things. She is always implying that i should try to be more like sarina, and extroverted 'fun' child. Sarina is my friend, and she is very cool, but i dont want to be like her. I couldnt even if i tried. I want to be myself. Im no good at coversation.. I like to read and watch 'weird' movies and listen to 'weird' music and use my imagination. im an introvert. I dont like to care about school too much. Sorry about that. Shes always mad at me for not talking to her. I mean, if shes going to bitch at me all the time why would i even try? im not an entirely social person, especially with people that i think hate me. And when i do try to make conversation, i think that shes uninterested anyway. she doesnt really care, only if i get an A in every class. Once i was happy that i got a b on a biology test and i told her and she was all "OH NO! im sure you can do better than that." grrrrr. Im find with B's. She also thinks that freshman year is the most important year of highschool. psssh, whatever. She then tells me that its *my* fault im not good at math, and that i should be, because im asian, and all asian people are good at math. Thats almost as ignorant as my mothers bible thumper preaching. ARGH!! Adults annoy me. I annoy myself.

3:49 p.m. - 2002-02-05


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