compie's Diaryland Diary


seven nation army

ahh. i feel like a jumped through hoops of fire and made it out only with a couple nicks that will only be there for story-telling sake later on. wait.. what the hell am i talking about. im just glad the weeks over.

so i took the ap english exam on monday. it was ok, although i don't want to predict how i did on it because that may jinx it. Today i took the AP history exam. much harder then the english one, but i think i was relatively well prepared for it. Again i don't want to predict my score. After the test (the biggest weight ever lifted from my shoulders--the equivalent of two years of American History with weekly outlines and 5 o clock all nighters, etc), i went to lunch. I hung out with some tennis team gals at first, then came back for the second lunch period cause there wasnt anything else to do and hung out with seth. Seth is a cool guy. All his friends are losers though. haha. fun losers though. well kinda. anyways they kept on saying that he was trying to "tap that ass" and "slam that ass"..referring to me. boys are dumb. then chris tried to topple me by giving me a giant jump-hug. it didnt work. haha. After that i left early for the tennis tournament. Me and my partner were one of the last teams up, and of course Pikesville killed us (an understatment). We didnt feel too bad because the boy we played against beat our number one a lot. So at least we wern't EXPECTED to win. haha. that sounds bad. but really, they were hell of good. Our coach made us feel better about it to by basically telling us what i just said, and commending on that fact that we "tried."..So it rained again today and we got onto eastern techs bus for a while. They're a pretty friendly group of kids. they told us about a teacher that teaches at our school who got fired from theirs, and basically eavesdropped on my conversation with Stephanie and then asked me to repeat myself so they could hear the entire (not really something i'd normally tell a stranger) story. haha. it was all good though. they were cute..kind of..well there were a lot of cute people at the tournament, admittedly. what can i say. haha. its tennis. of course i barely talked to any of them so it doesnt matter. annyways..

so now i'm at my dads and i wanted to get on so i could write a long overdue entry about nothing, as usual. haha. nah, i dunno. today was crazy. for me at least. i come to my dad's and veena and him bore me with their conversations about big houses and racial stereotypes. well veena at least. i mean she's cool but when im in a mood she can get to me. i mean she wasnt being particularly irking or anything. i'm just in a restless mood. I havent really been entirely awake for a long time and i think today for the first time in a long while i was.

that made today a lot better.

11:16 p.m. - 2004-05-07


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